Saturday, July 31, 2010

Vesicoureteral Reflux

Jaely was diagnosed with Vesicoureteral Reflux (Grade II) yesterday at Phoenix Children's Hospital. Basically this means that some of the urine that travels from her kidneys down the ureters to her bladder back-flows (has a reflux) and travels back up the ureters and possibly her kidneys. This makes her more prone to urinary tract infections and any infected urine could enter her kidneys and cause them to become infected. If her kidneys become infected they could cause damage and scaring effecting its ability to function in the future.  Jaelyn will begin to see a specialist, a Pediatric Urologist starting Aug. 12th, to determine her plan of action. She will go on prophylactic antibiotics for a period of time depending on what the urologist decides for  her. It varies depending on the child from 3 months to a year and then we head back to PCH to repeat the procedures she had yesterday (VCUG and ultrasounds) to see if she has outgrown it or if things have remained unchanged. If unchanged she will continue daily antibiotics until she is tested again and the cycle continues until she outgrows it or surgery is deemed necessary. 

The tests yesterday were awful and I never wanted to have to go through that again. Unfortunately we know that we will have to go through it at least once more. Until the problem is corrected.  There is nothing worse in the world than holding your child while they are in pain and knowing there is nothing you can do to take it away from them. 

I found this website that explains her reflux very well and has great pictures to go with it. 

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