Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Jealyn Update #3 (I think)

Steph's comment today made me realize that I have done a Jaely update in a while. She is doing really well. She was pretty fussy yesterday, but doing great this morning. I think yesterday was a possible result of two more teeth coming in on the top... I say two more, but the fact is that she only has two. I looked at the boys' baby books and Jacob and James had 14 teeth at 13 months of age. Jaelyn will be lucky to have 4 at 12 months - she is proving to be as different as she possibly can from them.

I have not schedule her appointment yet at children's. I was waiting to hear from her peds office (the scheduler) but haven't heard from her so I will probably give them a call today. I will let you know of her appointment date when I hear of it, but I am sure there will not be any results for a few days after that.

Her poor system is overwhelmed with the antibiotics she is having frequent and runny bowl movements. So we are trying to keep up with the probiotics to help that out some. She has developed quite the rash from it though so we are changing her more often then normal. The cloth diapers do help tremendously though - I cannot imagine what her rash would look like with disposables. In fact, when I know I am going to be out for a long day, sometimes I will throw some disposables into the diaper bag so I don't have to haul a bunch of dirty cloth diapers home with me. By the end of the day she is so red. I am not sure why I ever used the disposable diapers with the boys!

Jaelyn and I have become very attached to each other. When I leave the room, even if Josh and both of the boys are in there with her, she will let out a whimper to let me know she is unhappy about it. Sometimes she will even full on cry. I have to say that when Josh takes care of her for a day on the weekend to give me a break, when she is put to bed and I feel like I have not held her enough during the day, I really miss her... even when she was right in front of me the entire day. As we speak she is standing up holding onto my legs as I sit in the computer chair.

I actually had a dream last night that I watched her stand up from the middle of the floor all by herself without using anything to pull herself up and then she took a couple steps until she grabbed onto the tv stand... I was soooo sad!!! I want her to stay a baby forever! Thank goodness it was only a dream.

1 comment:

  1. No one can deny a mother/daughter bond.. ever! It is quite powerful without even trying.
