Monday, August 27, 2012

Miss My Friend

So, I've been putting off making my annual appointment. I was due to have it the month she died and although I made the initial visit to the office to see Mary Beth, Christine and the rest of the office staff, but I haven't been able to get myself back there for my check up. When I go about my normal life as I used to, Shannon was always there as my friend and dr whenever I needed her or had questions. When i met her i was only 21 and now its 10 years later. Now it makes me sad to think of going in there and not seeing her. As if to confirm she is no longer able to be my Dr once again. I keep empty prescription bottles with her name on it. I see my baby's and my hospital bracelets with her name on them in their baby books and each time it makes me incredibly sad where I used to smile whenever I saw her name. She was so amazing. Well, they finally refused to refill my birth control prescription until I am seen again so I guess I will be taking that step and moving on. Having my annual appointment without My amazing Dr Moorehead who I bragged to all my friends about.

Trying to Decide

Do we look alike? This is me at 3 almost 4 and Jaely at 2 almost 3.