Monday, August 11, 2014

Jaely learns to ride her bike

It only took a few tries and jaely was riding off into the sunset!  Literally. After watching her on her balance bike I knew she could do it. So I took her to the park and no lie within 4 attempts she was doing it on her own. We moved to the pavement where she took off before I was ready to let go!  And then my favorite part. I witnessed her determination tonight. I don't think I've witnessed first hand any child concentrating so hard and be so determined to do anything as she was with starting up all on her own without help. I didn't even have to say to her, "you do it". Or "keep trying". She tried and tried and tried and got it and tried and tried and tried and got it again. And then my very close second favorite part....  How proud she was of herself!!!!  Wow!  "Mom I can't believe I can ride a bike". "I'm 4 and I can ride a bike by myself!" I have one amazing talented little girl. Love her. So proud of her. 

Monday, August 4, 2014

Dinner By Jaely

Jaely made dinner tonight starting with a fruit salad. Oranges peeled by Jacob. 

This is going to be the BEST salad ever as she piled on as many croutons and leaves. 

And finally presenting dinner by Jaely. She even lead prayer: Dear God, Thank you so much for my mommy and daddy and my brothers Jacob and James and for my dog and thank you for being inside me. That makes me not cry. And thank you for my entire house.