Saturday, August 15, 2009

End of our First Week

The first week of Kindergarten was a huge success! James loved every minute of every day, I know this because he told me that he "loves being there ALL day everyday". Yesterday, they went to the library for the first time. He told me all the thing they CANNOT do to the books. Like, "step on them, get fingerprints on them, get them wet, get them dirty and bring them back to school, tear the pages" so cute! He also told me he is learning a pirate song and his favorite part of the song is "hey dude, surf's up!" Stories were short, but he opened up a lot more than I thought he would. He told me has lots of new friends including "Mason in Mrs. Good's class who has spiky hair and it is itchy. I accidentally bonked him on the head but I said I was sorry." Mason is the son of a friend of mine I have known for about 4 to 5 years now. They used to play together a lot when they were little so it is fun that they have been able to reconnect through school, even though they are in different classes. In his class, he sits with Casey and Mackenzie, both whom he talks about at home and according to his teacher he is becoming great friends with. James "got the wiggles out in music class", played tag at recess, and played games in P.E. "I don't know what the games are called, but I remember the directions," he told me. "One time at school the fire alarm came on. We just practiced a fire drill, but not just a real fire." He was on his best behavior all week. In fact, he told me, "I am NEVER going to get a yellow or red because those are bad colors!" He told me about a kid that got red after punching Graysen in the face (someone Graysen knew- I guess they were playing karate?! and then again when he didn't listen). He told me about other kids who got an orange but went back down to green because they did not stay good. James is very adamant, (and I am very happy) that once he gets to orange or blue he is going to stay there the whole day! I hope he keeps that mentality.

Next week we will be losing his close friends in his class. Graysen, Aislen and Morgan will all be moving to the new Kindergarten class that they will be opening up to reduce their class sizes. Thank goodness they got a new teacher. James' class size will be reduced from 31 to 22! I know he will miss his friends, (I haven't told him yet) but I know he will do great with the new ones he has made.

Jacob did great at home while James was away. Although, he was up for sale to family members and close friends for a penny for about 15 minutes on Thursday, he told me "I am going to be really good in here" (here was the next errand we had to run), and HE WAS! I think he knew I put him up for sale and papa offered to buy him - haha!!! (kidding dad) He took a nap every day that James was at school! He hasn't had a regular nap time since he was 2! It has been so nice. He has definitely needed it, but there was always too much going on with James being home. Since daddy was out of town, we had so much mommy and Jacob time that we have not had in a very long time. We read stories and played games, worked our ABC's and Animals. Shapes and colors he has down pat!

I had a hard time doing much of anything- my school wise this week. I could not stop thinking about what James was doing at school! lol... it is so strange to think that as a mother you have had control of everything thing they do throughout the course of everyday... and now, you have no idea!!! You know they are at school learning, but what subject? are they eating lunch now? are they at recess? are the kids being nice to him on the playground? I know they are doing science right now, but what are they doing for science? It is a strange feeling and the first time I have had to let go and let someone else take the reigns and be in charge of him. And it is the first time it has NOT been my choice - they HAVE to go to school, its the law. I could keep him home for another year, or I could home school him, but he is ready and as his mommy I have to let go. Thankfully, I have gotten to know his teacher very well. We have spoken on the phone on more than one occasion and emailed many times.

After school has been a challenge. He has been has so exhausted by 5:30 (if he can wait that long) he has to let it ALL out. He behaves so well during the day and holds everything in, he comes home and unfortunately, Jacob is the one that gets picked on and mom and dad are the ones that do not get listened to. I have completely expected this from him. Thanks to my mom teaching preschool for so long, other parents experienced the same thing after a long day of being on their best behavior with her. I can't really complain about that though, I just understand that 7 hours is a very long day for a 5 year old and I am happy he works so hard to be good at school.

Josh and I have one more week before we begin our fall classes, and Jacob has two weeks until he starts his preschool! I am sure time will move very quickly until the new addition to our family joins us. Then we are bound to have a crazy rest of 2009!

I took this picture of James after his first day of school!

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