Sunday, January 2, 2011

Flagstaff, AZ

We had the most amazing two days in Flagstaff, AZ with our, amazing friends, the Thompson Family. We headed on Thursday, Dec. 30th and spent all of Friday (New Years Eve) playing in below freezing temperatures. In fact, it was about 4 degrees for most of our playtime. The highest temperature was 11 and the lowest a VERY cold -2. Jaely wanted NOTHING to do with the cold no matter how bundled up she was. She was very content in her car seat for 4 hours with the car running and whichever child was currently warming their fingers, toes, ears and face. Our first adventure was through trees and over boulders. Mike and Josh made the most of it by using snow shovels, and sleds to build their path and create jumps over the rocks. It was very successful although not quite as fast as our second stop (our usual sledding spot) that we ventured to after taking a break for some lunch. The kids did great considering the frigid temperatures that we were given.

Kids getting ready for their first adventure.

Jaely's first time in the show.

Happy to be back inside.

Kristen and I right after I pushed her over in the snow. She is too good of a friend to get me back, although she did throw a little snow in my face.

Josh and I. We have not taken too many pictures of just the two of us since having kids. Love this one.

The Beautiful Thompson Family

Jacob = Superman

1 comment:

  1. Love the pictures of your beautiful family! It was an AWESOME time with you guys as always. Love you all very much!!
