Thursday, December 23, 2010

Eventful Day Including a Visit with Santa

For the first time, the boys saw Santa without any hesitation. They went right up and sat on his lap without a second thought. Jaelyn however, was another story. I sat her down, she took one look and wanted NOTHING to do with the white bearded man. She clearly wanted mommy. She did hang in there long enough for some quick pics and then was done crying before I even picked her back up. Santa asked the boys what they wanted for Christmas and although they planned what they were going to say ahead of time, Jacob got a little stage fright. James rushed to his rescue and whispered in his ear what he had planned to say. It was very cute.

We did some shopping, I had never seen James so tired by the end of the time there. On the drive home he warned me he was going to throw up. I quickly dumped out a box I had at the front with me and handed it back to him. He unbuckled his seat belt after giving me a look of asking permission and I said, "Yes, get up!" and out it all came into the box. I took the next turn off the main road and out we all went. The boys sat alongside while I cleaned up what was mixed and what leaked. I used one of our shopping bags in the back to wrap up the box once all was cleaned and after everyone was back in the car I placed the box close to the door and threw it away at the nearest dumpster I could find. The poor guy could not hold anything down, not even water, the rest of the night. He seems to be doing ok this morning, but Josh has seemed to pick it up. Jaely had Monday night until yesterday when she threw up at lunch at the mall.

I hope we are all well by Christmas.

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