Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Spring In Arizona

I have to say that March is probably my favorite month of the year. The weather is absolutely perfect! Today the temperature was 75°F and down here that means jeans and t-shirt weather to us locals. It is not hot enough that shorts are required, but not cold enough we need sweatshirts on either. I have been taking advantage of it by walking James to school or picking him up. Today, we picked him up. I pushed Jaelyn in the stroller and Jacob rode his bike.

Jacob, my accident pokey prone child, would ride so slow I would be running him over with the stroller, and when he would finally pick up the pace it made me so incredibly nervous. He has a tendency to not watch where he is going. Sometimes, one training wheel will slip of the square curb causing him to fall or other times he will ride off the side walk. When it’s time to cross the street and you tell him to go, he takes his time, and then he rides so fast you have to yell at him to stop before crossing the street so he doesn’t get hit. Today he rode his bike into a parked car because he was looking down at his feet as he rode. In his defense, it was a car that did not pull their truck all the way into the driveway. Yes, we have short driveways here, but I don’t care! Truck drivers (at least here in AZ) act like they have some sort of rights to leaving the tail end of their truck hanging out onto the sidewalk so those of us with strollers and kids on bikes have to go into the street to get around their cars. The owner of the truck was outside to see it happen and he ran to help Jacob up since I was still a few yards back pushing Jaely. He admitted it was his fault and he needed to pull his truck in more- I guess we will see if he does it again :).

James, my kindergartner, can never remember anything he does at school. “I forgot” is his favorite answer to the questions, how was your day and what did you do. He is always excited when his baby sister and brother pick him up for school on foot. He is so proud of having Jaelyn in our family. When I bring her to his school with me he wants nothing more than to show her off. It’s pretty darn cute to see my eldest act this way when most of the time he is all about being tough.

We stopped off at the park on the way home to get some energy out after sitting in the classroom all day. I have to admit, everything I have against public schools (because it is not how I was raised), it is nice that when we stop off at the neighborhood park on the way home, James (and I) already know some of the kids playing on the playground.

Jaelyn, laid in the grass and sun for the first time in her life. She is 4 months old, and just like my two older ones did, I can already tell she is cutting teeth. The drool is running rapid and she is just in time for mommy and daddy to go on vacation and Grandma and Papa to take care of her.

I, of course, could not miss the opportunity to take pictures of my children with my new camera. I bought a book and have been reading about all the different mechanism involved in photography and all of the different settings to use. It feels difficult at first – there is a lot to know and it is a little overwhelming but I have been reading it over and over again. This was my first time taking pictures and not using the “automatic setting”. I set everything on my own and I have to say I am pretty proud of myself. I feel like the pictures turned out very well :).

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