Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Super Mommy

I got to be super mom for a few seconds today for James. Today is their 100th day of school and he was asked to bring in 100 things, wear a hat with 100 on it or a necklace with 100 things on it, and/or bring in something that is 100 inches or cm. He was all set, 100 things in his bag, and his hat on with stickers on it that said 100%.  His seatbelt was buckled and we were pulling out if the driveway when he decided he also wanted to bring something that is 100cm or inches. I jumped out of the car with my eyes on the red, big umbrella, grabbed the tape measure and sure enough, it was exactly 100 cm. Thank goodness. That could have made us late for school!!  He was overjoyed and amazed I found something so quickly and so was I. I felt like super mom seeing him  so happy. It was the greatest feeling in the world making him happy. 


  1. He told me that you found that and measured it to be exactly 100cm.... I was SUPER impressed. Way to go Supermom - Love you!

    From, Superdad

  2. You totally ARE Super Mom!!! You can't fool any of us!

    Love you!
    Steph :)
