After my morning classes I went straight back to their school. It just so happened to be Jacob's lunch time and so I stopped in to see how he was doing. I asked him if he missed me. He said no. Then he told me that he wanted to play with Sam at recess (his girlfriend).
Day 2: I dropped them both off at the door. I did not cry today, but had a little anxiety about whether or not Jacob made it to class! He is so confident walking through those doors with his brothers. BUT he is five years old and there are over 900 students alone in that school. I am just not ready for him to be that grown up. OF course he made it there just fine. When we picked them up at the end of the day he was VERY happy. He told me he like today better than yesterday and now he has three girlfriends. This boy is girl crazy I tell ya! He also told me that he gave one of his new friends his lucky penny!! He has such a big heart! I love that boy so much and I hope that school does not take that away from him. Now he spends more time at school than he does at home with me and that cannot help but break a mother's heart.
Jaelyn took a three hour nap today. The house was silent. Fortunately the Bachelor Pad Premier was 3 hours - ha!
The house is sound asleep this evening by 7:45. Maybe school is a good thing.
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